Dano, Melissa, Kennedy, Ethan, Erin, Abigail, and Emily

Dano, Melissa, Kennedy, Ethan, Erin, Abigail, and Emily

22 June 2010

Bad Combination

1 Husband out of country for eleven days
+ 1 moving of compounds
+ 1 pregnant mom feeling quite big and cumbersome
+ 1 potty-training two-year old
+ 1 daughter with college-like finals schedule
+ 1 vomiting daughter
+ 2 swim galas
+ 1 mom who can’t drive herself anywhere
1 crazy household (well, crazier than usual)

With Dano in England and the states, we managed to move compounds. It has been a long, busy two weeks but the end result has definitely been worth it. We are very happy with our new location as it offers more social opportunities, fewer sewer trucks, a little less living space but a homier feel, and more security.

Kennedy survived her finals and did quite well. I am amazed at how rigorous the tests are here. It reminded me of college days…even the BYU testing center. Kennedy had at least one test in a large hall with many students. Apparently during the administration of one exam someone’s cell phone beeped or rang and the entire test was thrown out. She’s been very pleased (and relieved) to report to us that she’s scored the highest in her classes on several finals including the highest in all of year seven in History…which we found to be a little ironic that an American would score the highest on a British history exam!

With Dano not here to drive, I had to rely more on our driver to get me to and from the compounds to make arrangements and move things. It was a little bit frustrating. I learned that many men generally don’t have a lot of respect for women, even when they are the employees. Our driver respects Dano more than he respects me. He would never be late or not pick Dano up when he is supposed to. There is also no reason that I cannot communicate for myself. Even as I was speaking to the guards at the gate of our new compound, he was trying to speak over me and eventually rolled up my window as I was finishing speaking! It’s really a learning experience living in a country where women are not valued with the same importance as men. I’m so grateful to be an American and have the freedoms we do; where all men [and women] are created equal.

At the end of these long couple of weeks where so many things combined to form a potential Bermuda Triangle effect, we're happy that Dano's back, we're moved in, and feeling empowered for the next time we encounter such a combination.

1 comment:

Susi said...

Melissa you are one amazing girl to be handling the situation so well!! Seriously....you are way tougher than me! Glad you got your hubby back!